
The following describes the process of setting up OpenShift to use a NFS-based storage class backed by a Gluster cluster on Raspberry Pi for dynamic provisioning of K8s Persistent Volumes via Persistent Volume Claims.

Hardware - Raspberry Pi Cluster

Raspberry Pi Cluster


Install the operating system on all Raspberry Pi nodes in the cluster. We’ll be using Fedora 35 Server.

  1. Download Fedora ARM image.
  2. Prepare the SD card, manually.

     xzcat ./Fedora-Server-35-x.x.aarch64.raw.xz | dd status=progress bs=4M of=/dev/sdX
  3. Boot OS - setup authentication and network connection.
  4. Resize after initial-setup (optional).

Format, check, and mount external physical drives for all nodes in the cluster. To simplify disk management, use LVM.

  1. Create a Physical Volume (PV).

     pvcreate /dev/sdX
  2. Create a Volume Group (VG).

     vgcreate gluster /dev/sdX
  3. Create a Logical Volume (LV).

     lvcreate -n save -l 100%FREE gluster
  4. Format the LV.

     mkfs.xfs /dev/gluster/save
  5. Create a target directory for mounting the LV.

     mkdir -p /srv/gnfs
  6. Backup fstab.

     cp /etc/fstab "/etc/fstab.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")"
  7. Modifying fstab to mount the filesystem during boot.

     vim /etc/fstab
     # fstab
     /dev/gluster/save       /srv/gnfs               xfs     defaults,_netdev,nofail        0 2
  8. Mount the filesystem with mount -a and verify using df -hT.

Install GlusterFS Server on all nodes in the cluster.

dnf -y install glusterfs-server
systemctl enable --now glusterd
gluster --version

If firewalld is running, allow GlusterFS service on all nodes.

firewall-cmd --add-service=glusterfs --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

Create a directory for GlusterFS volume on all nodes.

mkdir -p /srv/gnfs/dstb

Configure clustering on a node (use any node).

  1. Probe nodes.

     [root@node03 ~]# gluster peer probe node01
     [root@node03 ~]# gluster peer probe node02
     [root@node03 ~]# gluster peer probe node03 (primary, will have nfs-ganesha)
     [root@node03 ~]# gluster peer probe node04
  2. Confirm status.

     [root@node03 ~]# gluster peer status
  3. Create volume.

     [root@node03 ~]# gluster volume create vol_gnfs_dstb replica 4 transport tcp \
                      node03:/srv/gnfs/dstb \
                      node01:/srv/gnfs/dstb \
                      node02:/srv/gnfs/dstb \
  4. Start volume.

     [root@node03 ~]# gluster volume start vol_gnfs_dstb
  5. Confirm volume info.

     [root@node03 ~]# gluster volume info

Install NFS-Ganesha on the primary node.

[root@node03 ~]# dnf -y install nfs-ganesha-gluster

Export GlusterFS volume as NFS.

  1. Backup Ganesha config.

     [root@node03 ~]# cp /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf "/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")"
  2. Modify Ganesha config, see exporting GlusterFS volume via NFS-Ganesha or example export config for options documentation.

     [root@node03 ~]# vim /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf
     # ganesha.conf
         NFS_CORE_PARAM {
         ## Allow NFSv3 to mount paths with the Pseudo path, the same as NFSv4,
         ## instead of using the physical paths.
         #mount_path_pseudo = true;       
         ## Configure the protocols that Ganesha will listen for.  This is a hard
         ## limit, as this list determines which sockets are opened.  This list
         ## can be restricted per export, but cannot be expanded.
         #Protocols = 3,4,9P;
         #Use supplied name other tha IP In NSM operations                     
         NSM_Use_Caller_Name = true;
         #Copy lock states into "/var/lib/nfs/ganesha" dir
         Clustered = false;        
         #Use a non-privileged port for RQuota 
         Rquota_Port = 875;
         NFS_Port = 2049;      
         MNT_Port = 20048;
         NLM_Port = 38468;
         ## Export Id (mandatory, each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id)
         Export_Id = 1;        
         ## Exported path (mandatory)                   
         Path = "/mnt/gnfs"; 
         ## Pseudo Path (required for NFSv4 or if mount_path_pseudo = true)
         Pseudo = "/mnt/gnfs"; 
         ## Restrict the protocols that may use this export.  This cannot allow
         ## access that is denied in NFS_CORE_PARAM.
         Protocols = "3","4";           
         ## Access type for clients.  Default is None, so some access must be
         ## given. It can be here, in the EXPORT_DEFAULTS, or in a CLIENT block
         Access_type = RW;
         ## Whether to squash various users.                             
         Squash = No_root_squash;                                              
         ## Allowed security types for this export
         SecType = "sys";                           
         ## Exporting FSAL                                   
         FSAL {  
                 name = GLUSTER;                                               
                 hostname = "localhost";        
                 volume = "vol_gnfs_dstb";
         Transports = "UDP","TCP"; # Transport protocols supported             
         Disable_ACL = TRUE;  # To enable/disable ACL           
  3. Start and enable NFS-Ganesha.

     [root@node03 ~]# systemctl enable --now nfs-ganesha
  4. If firewalld is running, allow NFS services.

     [root@node03 ~]# firewall-cmd --add-service=nfs --permanent
     [root@node03 ~]# firewall-cmd --add-service=mountd --permanent
     [root@node03 ~]# firewall-cmd --add-service=rpc-bind --permanent
     [root@node03 ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
  5. Verify sockets are listening and the NFS share has been mounted.

     [root@node03 ~]# ss -nltupe | grep -E ':2049|:20048|:111'
     [root@node03 ~]# showmount -e localhost

Configure OpenShift to use K8s NFS Subdir External Provisioner as default storage class.

  1. Clone the git repo and change directory.

     git clone
     cd nfs-subdir-external-provisioner
  2. Replace the namespace parameter and backup the rbac.yaml file.

     sed -i.backup 's/namespace:.*/namespace: nfs-storage/g' ./deploy/rbac.yaml
  3. Replace the namespace parameter and backup the deployment.yaml file.

     sed -i.backup 's/namespace:.*/namespace: nfs-storage/g' ./deploy/deployment.yaml
  4. Modify the deployment.yaml file.

     vim ./deploy/deployment.yaml
     # deployment.yaml
                 - name: NFS_SERVER
                   value: NFS.GANESHA.IP.ADDRESS (primary, will have nfs-ganesha)
                 - name: NFS_PATH
                   value: /mnt/gnfs
             - name: nfs-client-root
                 server: NFS.GANESHA.IP.ADDRESS (primary, will have nfs-ganesha)
                 path: /mnt/gnfs
  5. Backup the class.yaml file.

     cp -v ./deploy/class.yaml ./deploy/class.yaml.backup
  6. Modify the class.yaml file.

     vim ./deploy/class.yaml
     # class.yaml
       annotations: 'true'
       name: managed-nfs-storage

Perform the following commands as the OpenShift cluster admin.

  1. Create a new OpenShift project.

     oc new-project nfs-storage
  2. Deploy the NFS subdir external provisioner.

     oc create -f ./deploy/rbac.yaml
     oc adm policy add-scc-to-user hostmount-anyuid system:serviceaccount:nfs-storage:nfs-client-provisioner
     oc create -f ./deploy/deployment.yaml
     oc create -f ./deploy/class.yaml


Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a NFS-based storage class on OpenShift that is backed by a Gluster cluster on Raspberry Pi.